Support Group for LGBTQIA+ Teens
PRISM is a professional/peer-led online support group for LGBTQIA+ youth in Northcentral Wisconsin who may be struggling with identity-related stressors and discrimination in their day-to-day experiences. Youth who identify as LGBTQIA+ often feel isolated from their peers and have minimal support for exploring their identities and feeling more confident in their identity presentation.
This group aims to fill a gap in service to youth and provide a safe space to explore identities and process traumas and stressors related to discrimination in their daily lives.
Group Location and Time
PRISM currently meets online every other Wednesday evening 6–7 pm. See calendar for next session.
To be part of these sessions, you must register to receive a link to join.
The group meets August through May in line with the school schedule. Should cancellation occur, a notice will be posted via Facebook and Instagram. Please like and follow Behavioral Health Clinic to receive notices.
To Be a Member You Must Be:
- High School Students Ages 14–17 living in Northcentral Wisconsin
- Self-Identified as part of the LGBTQIA+ Community
- Supports Intersectional Inclusion in the LGBTQIA+ Community
(Members do not have to be ‘out’ to participate)
Participant Rules
- Group members are prohibited from disclosing anything that is shared in the meetings, including identities of members within the group. Individuals who are shown to have disclosed information outside of the meeting are subject to potential removal from the group depending on the severity/circumstances of disclosure, and the reflective decision of the group as a whole.
- Data collected by group facilitators such as names, addresses, phone numbers, and demographic information will be protected by confidentiality within the limits of the law. Members are allowed to participate in group anonymously among members, but must provide contact information, address, and date of birth to group organizers/facilitators for safety purposes.
- Limitations to confidentiality occur in the event that a member expresses intent to harm themselves or others; there is suspected child abuse or neglect; suspected elder abuse or neglect; or suspected abuse or neglect of a disabled individual. Facilitators are mandated reporters to the state and will actively report such events and contact emergency services if necessary if these instances were to occur.
- Members will agree to not participate if under the influence of alcohol or illicit drugs.
- Members will agree to participate in respectful and safe discussion. If a member at any point threatens the safety and security of the group or members, they may be subjected to immediate expulsion from the group.
- Members will respect the conversation rules and boundaries set by the group. This includes respecting topics of conversation that may be considered off-limits and respecting the boundaries of individual members who may find participation in some topics triggering or detrimental to their personal health and safety.
- Members will not share the names or locations of any members within the group, or disclose their affiliation to the group. Members who do so, whether by accident or design, may be subject to group expulsion depending on the severity of their disclosure.
- Members will not seek out other members without express permission from that member outside of the group session. Relationships formed outside of group should be kept and addressed outside of group.
Group Etiquette:
- Members will speak and act within expectations of respect and personal responsibility.
- Members will respect the pronouns and chosen identity of all group members; even if these pronouns/identities change over time.
- Members will listen without interrupting, and avoid personal/side conversations during the session.
- Members will be accepting of differences between members (including social, cultural, linguistic differences, or at what stage of the identity process an individual may be).
- Members will respect alternative opinions as long as the opinions do not encourage the removal or isolation of a set demographic group of individuals or marginalized persons.
- Members will refrain from discrimination against groups of individuals, ‘judging’ or ostracizing people through group conversation.
- Members will seek to use first-person language and “I”/feeling statements and will avoid accusatory language or conversation meant to isolate other individuals from group discussion or participation.
- Members will actively work to share the group’s time so that everyone who wishes to discuss their experience tied to the group’s topic of conversation will have an opportunity.
- Members will endeavor to remain on-topic throughout group session and not digress into subjects not tied to LGBTQIA+ experiences/community.
- Members will agree to adhere to additional group etiquette rules/regulations agreed on by the majority of the group.
Conflict Resolution:
- Members will attempt to avoid or minimize conflict within the group where at all possible.
- Members agree that conflicts which arise within the group will be addressed there, and kept private within the session times.
- The group will address each issue as it arises. Members will agree to be forthcoming and honest with conflicts that arise as a result of group discussion or comments.
- In the event a solution is not agreed upon right away, a short break may be taken and return to working through the conflict a short while later.
- Members will speak in the affirmative when addressing a concern; stating what is wanted, rather than what is not wanted (Example: “I would prefer if we limited discussion to those here” vs. “Don’t talk about people who aren’t here”).
- Responses to conflict will be solution-focused; suggesting possibilities and recommendations for moving forward as opposed to complaints/criticism.
- Interpersonal conflicts between group members that occur outside of the group setting should only be brought into the group if the conflict is related to group conversation/dynamic.
To join meetings, you must register. A link will be provided prior to the session.
Click here to Signup for the PRISM Support Group Intake and Service Agreement.